Gorgeous Granny Gardening!

I love gardening.  I love growing my own produce.  What I don’t love is digging, weeding and all the dirty stuff.  Traditional gardening can be complicated and time consuming.  This gorgeous granny loves a workout but I’m just not into all the digging and weeding.

gorgeous granny gardeningmy personal tower crop photo

Well, I found a way to garden that is so easy anyone can do it.  You don’t even need a green thumb.  Tower Garden by Juice Plus.  It’s an aeroponic vertical gardening system that requires minimal space and little maintenance.  You can garden outside or in your living room.   Discover a unique and fun way to garden with Tower Garden technology.   It’s the ultimate gardening experience.   You don’t have to remember to water the plants daily and when you are away on vacation, you don’t have to worry about who will water the garden.   As of matter of fact if you are away for a week you will be amazed at how much your garden has grown in a short amount of time.kid friendly guide

Tower Garden is also a great way to get the entire family involved in gardening by growing your own produce.  Statistics show that children who help grow a garden are more likely to eat the produce that they grow.  I absolutely love that I can support my healthy lifestyle by harvesting my own produce whenever  I need it.    With Tower Garden I always have healthy fast food at my fingertips.  My garden grows 3x faster than traditional gardening so I get more harvests and I can be assured my salad is the freshest quality, pesticide free and vine ripened for maximum nutrition. 

As a gorgeous granny, I drink a smoothie every day and I love to add dark leafy greens to my smoothies.  Dark leafy greens are nutritional powerhouses filled with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  It’s recommended we get 6-18 servings of raw fruits and vegetables.  Drinking a smoothie daily and adding in some dark leafy greens is a great way to get those servings in.

Tower Garden technology was first introduced at Epcot.  Big commercial towers supply the produce for the restaurants at the Disney parks.  There are commercial use towers in airports and on city rooftops supplying produce for nearby restaurants.  

You can join the locavore movement too.  It’s easy.  It’s fun and it’s affordable.  If you spend $12 or more a week on produce,  you could be investing in your own Tower Garden.  Within one year your investment would be paid for and you can pretty much grow for free.  If your goal is to eat more fruits and vegetables and less fast food, you will find this will definitely help you reach your goal because you will have healthy fast food at your doorstep, on your patio or right in your living room.

It’s so sad that this next generation of children may be the first to have a shorter life expectancy that their parents.  Alarming statistics show 1 in 3 children are obese.  1 in 3 children will develop diabetes in their lifetime.   We have a responsibility to inspire kids to eat better.  When children eat better they perform better, in school, in sports and  in other areas.  So let’s start inspiring and let’s start growing.  For more information on Tower Garden, visit http://www.gould.towergarden.com.



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